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Keeping Your Face Looking Beautiful, Youthful, And Glowing

Posted by John Johnson on

Keeping Your Face Looking Beautiful, Youthful, And Glowing


As you age, keeping your face looking beautiful, youthful, and glowing becomes difficult and stressful. However, you can’t escape aging, it’s inevitable. So instead of dreading and worrying about it you should embrace it and prepare for it. Here are some tips to stay looking young and pretty:  

Apply sunscreen

The sun is a good source of vitamin D but too much of it can be harmful to your skin. Protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun is one of the essential steps in taking care of your skin. Use sunscreen with at least SPF15 that’s able to block UVA and UVB rays before going out. Too much sun exposure can cause age spots, wrinkles, and other skin problems that can make you look older than your actual age.   


Watch what you eat

Having a healthy diet can help you feel and look better. Eating right not only helps your skin look younger, but it can also improve your immune health. Leafy greens, whole grains, lean meats, and colorful fruits and vegetables should be included.  


Don’t smoke 

You know very well that smoking is bad for your health. It can cause heart disease, certain cancers, stroke, COPD, and diabetes. Aside from that studies have shown that tobacco smoke hastens the natural process of skin aging. It’s been noted that 40-year-olds who are addicted to smoking tobacco had the same skin as 70-year-old non-smokers. 


Be positive

Positivity can add years to your life. Having an optimistic outlook in life can make you psychologically young and this will be reflected in the way you talk, move, and how you interact with others. People will see you as someone younger than your actual age. 


Try something new

Try changing your hairstyle or try a new hair color. Sometimes you just need these little changes to make you feel and look younger.  


Get lots of sleep

The blood flow in the skin increases during sleep. When this happens, collagen is rebuilt and the damages from sun exposure are repaired. A good night’s sleep will leave you with glowing skin, lesser wrinkles, and brighter eyes.  According to a study, habitual inadequate sleep can increase visible signs of aging, reduce skin barrier function, and lessen your satisfaction with your looks. 


Drink lots of water 

Water helps keep your body refreshed, hydrated, and helps the skin maintain its elasticity. People who don’t drink enough water are more likely to suffer from wrinkles, soft lines, and scars. They tend to show more signs of aging than those who drink large amounts of water. Drinking adequate quantities of water can help improve sagging skin, prevent pimples, enhance the skin’s pH balance, flush out toxins, and moisturize the skin. 



Exercising regularly has numerous anti-aging benefits. Daily exercise can improve your flexibility, enhance your metabolic rate, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and strengthen the heart and lungs. 

Use the Yamuna Save Your Face Kit 

All you will need is 10-15 minutes of rest on your bed with your neck and head being supported by a pillow. You can work to de-stress your forehead, work the cheek and eye area and you will surely look like you just got back from a facial or a spa. Your entire face will be lifted and your complexion will glow.

These tips are not meant to make you look 20 years younger. Following these suggestions will help you improve your skin, have great mental and physical health, feel and look your best, look younger, and have a healthy happy long life.  

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