April 16, 2021 | John Johnson

Sleeping Positions That Could Ease Morning Back Pain


Do you experience lower back pain after getting up in the morning? Don’t worry you’re not the only one. Back pain after sleeping for long hours is common, this is usually caused by poor sleeping positions that can cause lower back pain.  

Here are 5 good sleeping positions you can try to prevent morning back pain:  

Sleeping on your side curled up in a fetal position  

If sleeping on your back is difficult due to a slipped disc you can try sleeping sideways in a fetal pose. To do this, just lay down on your back then gently roll over to your side and draw your knees toward your chest. This position lets your spine rest in its normal position.  


Sleeping on your side with a pillow in between your legs  

Again, if sleeping flat on your back makes you feel uncomfortable, you can try sleeping on your side, use one pillow to help support your head and neck, and then put a pillow in between your knees. What makes this sleeping position better is the pillow between your knees. It helps to keep your spine, hips, and pelvis aligned. 


Sleeping on your back with a pillow beneath your knees   

Sleeping on one’s back is not that popular and most find it uncomfortable but there are those who are used to sleeping in this position. To make this position better, place a pillow underneath your knees to keep your spine and internal organs in better alignment. 


Sleeping on your back in a relaxed reclining position    

Sleeping in a reclined position keeps your air passages open and your trunk straight. This position is beneficial to those who have acid reflux and obstructive sleep apnea. Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, is commonly experienced at night when gravity has stopped pushing down food from your esophagus to your stomach and stomach acid comes back up into your esophagus so sleeping upright is beneficial. In sleep apnea, the throat muscles become relaxed and obstruct the airways so sleeping in a reclined position is beneficial as well. 


Sleeping on your tummy with a pillow beneath your belly   

Sleeping in your tummy may not be the best position to sleep in because it strains the neck but there are people who are used to sleeping this way.  To make this position better and avoid morning back pain you can place a pillow beneath your abdomen and pelvis to ease up some of the tension off your back. 


Other possible causes of morning back pain: 


It’s very common for a pregnant woman to experience back pain. It’s commonly felt between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy but some experience it as early as the 8th week. Pregnancy puts pressure on the lower back muscles and after sleeping for a long time, the back pain worsens in the morning due to stiff back muscles. 


Disc Degeneration  

This is a common outcome of aging and deterioration of your body. This happens when the shock-absorbing discs located between each vertebra start to degenerate. This can cause extreme pain, especially in the morning. 



This ailment causes extensive musculoskeletal pain and is believed to intensify the pain by influencing the way the brain processes pain signals.  


Spinal Stenosis  

This happens when the spaces in the spine narrow and compress the nerves. This leads to back pain. The way you sleep can sometimes aggravate this condition by putting more pressure on the nerves when you sleep.  


Bad Mattress Quality  

If it’s not your sleeping posture, pregnancy, or any illness that’s causing your back pain then it could be your mattress. A study showed that a new or better mattress can increase the quality of sleep.   


How to treat back pain in the morning? 

 If you experience back pain after waking up in the morning, you can try these stretches and tips to help you ease morning back pain:  

Bed stretches  

One of the best ways to fight morning back pain is to do stretches before you get off your bed. Stretch your arms above your head as far as you can get and stretch your feet at the same time in the other direction. After this,  tuck your knees and hold them close to your chest. If you feel like rocking from side to side, go ahead and do it. 


Core building exercises 

Having a strong core helps in reducing back pain. Ask your physical therapist for advice on what exercises you should do. This could include planking, stretching, and other exercises that could strengthen your whole body structure. 


Over-the-counter medications   

When the pain is severe and unbearable, this sometimes calls for quick relief.  Consult your doctor on what OTC pain reliever you can take for your pain. 


Topical solutions   

You can also try using topical solutions to alleviate your morning back pain. Topical creams and essential oils can be a big help in managing your pain. 


It’s very common to experience morning back pain. If you have not been sleeping well, how about changing your sleeping position? It will take time to get used to a new sleeping posture so be patient.   

If you are still experiencing back pain after changing positions, changing your mattress, using medications, and doing exercises to relieve back pain then it’s time to see your doctor and find out what’s causing the pain and rule out any underlying medical condition. 


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