August 18, 2020 | John Johnson

9 Simple Yoga Stretches to Help Relieve Lower Back Pain and Hip Pain

Are you suffering from hip pain or lower back pain? If you are then you are not the only one. Around 31 million Americans suffer from low back pain at some point in their life and most of the time, lower back pain is related to hip pain. 

In this present era of technology, most of us lead a sedentary life in front of our gadgets. We spend a great deal of time sitting in front of our laptops while we work and sit some more to watch movies, listen to music, or shop online after work. 

All these sitting can cause muscles in the shoulders, hip flexors, and hamstrings to tighten and induce pain. It can also make the lower back, glutes, and abdominals weak. The psoas muscle which is connected to the lumbar spine helps us lift the upper leg towards the body like when you are walking. When hip flexors tighten, the psoas will uncomfortably pull at the lower spine and cause tension and pain in the lower back and hips.      

It’s a good thing that stretching regularly can fix some of the tautness and ease the pain. Get your yoga mats ready, here are 9 yoga stretches that will help you in relieving lower back pain and hip pain:  

Child‘s Pose Stretch 

The Child’s Pose Stretch helps in stretching the thighs, ankles, and hips. It reduces fatigue and stress at the same time.

Start with your hands and knees on the floor with your toes together and knees spread wide. 

Sit back with your bottom on your heels then slowly slide your hands forward until your forehead touches the floor. 

After your forehead touches the ground, continue to slide your hands forward until your arms are all straight and stretched. Relax and keep this position for 30 seconds. Keep a good space between your shoulders and ears. This stretching pose is best done after waking up in the morning or before going to bed.      

Supine Figure Four Stretch

The Supine Figure Four Stretch is an awesome stretch for the inner thighs, lower back, and glutes. It can help in reducing hip pain and relieve lower back pain.  

First, lie down on your back then bend your knees with feet planted on the floor. 

Cross the right ankle over the left knee and keep the right foot bent. 

Keeping the head and shoulders on the floor, pull the left knee to your chest. Stop as soon as you feel the stretch in the right hip and glute. Hold this position for 30 seconds then do the other side.    

Figure Four Twist Stretch

The Figure Four Twist Stretch is a fabulous stretch for the glutes. It also helps in increasing spinal and hip mobility thereby reducing hip pain. 

Lie down on your back, then plant both feet on the ground and bend your knees. With your feet distanced a hip-width apart, bend the right knee and put the right ankle over the left knee. 

Bend your arms and place upwards in a cactus-like form. Let your knees fall towards the right in this position. Flex your feet and feel the stretch up to your left hip. Keep this position for 30 seconds then change sides.

Runner’s Lunge Stretch

The Runner’s Lunge Stretch is great in stretching the legs, groin, hips, and hip flexors.  

Begin on all fours, step out the left foot off the left hand with the toes a little further away than where the knee is. 

With the right knee on the floor and both hands on the inner side of the left foot, push your hips forwards and feel the stretch going through your hips. Keep this position for 30 seconds and then change sides.   

Adductor Opener Stretch

The Adductor Opener Stretch is great for opening up the hip flexors and adductor muscles. 

Start by standing flat on the ground with feet wide apart and your toes out and positioned at a 45-degree angle.   

Squat as if you’re about to sit down and put your hands on your thighs just right above the knees. Press your thighs to add pressure and open up the groin and inner thighs. 

Wide-Legged Forward Fold Stretch

The Wide-Legged Forward Fold Stretch is a calming bending pose that stretches the hamstrings, lower back, upper back, and glutes.

Stand with legs spread out wide and toes pointing forward. Bend your knees a little as you slowly place your hands in the ground

Keep your knees bent and allow your head to hang heavily as you slightly shift the weight to your toes. Keep this position for 30 seconds then gradually stand up.  

Cow Face Pose Stretch

The Cow Face Pose Stretch is excellent for stretching the shoulders, armpits, triceps, hips, ankles, thighs, and lower back.

Sit on the floor, bend both knees and place one knee on top of the other with feet flexed. 

Make sure that both of your sit bones are pressed in the ground. Sit straight and breathe deeply with your hands placed on the side. Keep this position for 30 seconds.   

Seated Twist Stretch

The Seated Twist Stretch is perfect for releasing the glutes, piriformis, and lower back. It also helps in toning the belly and massaging the internal organs. 

Sit on the floor with bent knees and feet on the ground. Pull your left heel to your right sit bone and cross your right leg onto your left leg to take your right foot out of your left thigh.

Place your fingers behind and sit up straight. Stretch your spine while taking a deep breath. Then twist to the right as you exhale and wrap your left arm around your right shin. 

Keep this position for 30 seconds then untwist slowly as you inhale. Do the other side.  

Happy Baby Stretch

The Happy Baby Stretch is best for stretching the hip flexors and opening up the lower back.

Lie down on your back and bend your knees. Then bring your bent knee to your chest and raise your arms to reach the edge of your feet or ankles. 

Make sure that your arms are inside your thighs and your lower back is firmly pressed on the floor.  

Make a gentle rocking motion from side to side. Hold this position for 30 seconds.  

Before trying out any of the yoga stretches, make sure to do some warm-up exercises first to avoid muscle injuries.

You might also be interested to read What’s Causing Your Hip Pain? and Why Should You Add Whole Grains to Your Diet?

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